The Author

 Andyana Sabtisan 

        Born under Sagittarius star just before the last month in Solar Year, she is currently walking on the path of future doctor. You have entranced her world which is mostly filled with anime, manga, travelling, fashion, and school life. As you can guessed, she is crazily addicted with Japan to the point where her ultimate number 1 dream is to visit every possible places all around Japan.

        Since entering medicine life, she has developed symptom of aninsomnia and caffeine resistance. Now she could sleep in any position, anywhere, and anytime. Sleeping has just now categorized into a hobby, not just a "need" anymore. The author hopes all of you could enjoy this blog just like how she enjoys staring at moon before sleep.

     This girl has some kind of chemistry relationship with moon that always glows brilliantly every 15 in month 8 Lunar Year (Moon Festival) and that's how La Lune Porte is born :)

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